Sunday, January 25, 2009


When Aldo van Eyck talks about architecture as being either one style or another, do you agree with that statement? Or is it a better approach to include the past, present, and the future into what we design and not to relish too much on one part in particular, but to encompass all of them?

Saturday, January 17, 2009


It seems the idea of pre-fabrication in architecture is still ringing ever clearly today as it was when it was first proposed in the beginnings of modernism in architecture. Is the idea of pre-fabrication in architecture seem to be a solution to the way we make things, or is workmanship still something that should be kept in high esteem and practiced in the making of things?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

An open system architecture...

If the back of Clyde's pick-up could easily be turned into an open system, could architects design buildings that could be open systems with themselves and not closed ones run on machines? If so, what would it even look like?