Thursday, February 12, 2009


With the ineveitable fact of weathering being a factor that effects and will change the built world, and they ways we have seen this implemented into designs, do you think that including in our designs the way the natural elements will ultimatley change the physical aspects of the built world, is important to us as designers and architects?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, i believe it is a vital part to the way we design buildings. Contractors can make buildings look pretty but as architects it is our responsiblity to consider things that are beyond that simple intention of astetics and make a building able to grow in beauty with the time. It is contradictory to make a building green and maintain for a long time but ignore the intentions to make it stand that long. Our abilites to ignore such factors is amazing today in the built world but our generation is the one that needs to recognize the need for the "oldies" of our time. We are lacking the building that will stand for our grandchildren to see (in good condition). The need to recognize this is our greatest lesson and even though our world is in a see now, forget later mindset our future is to conserve and admire. I see buildings today as snapshot buildings, they are here to entertain but eventually replaced by another memory but that cycle is endless so why not design the building that wants to be the framework that never changes but still holds the beauty of the intention.
